
Mini SPY GPSTracker Real time 4g / Mag Case /free activation/no contract/retail store near me

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Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $68.95.

Advantages to purchase a Real time live GPS Tracker at  our  retail store:
A) Discreet and safe buying (no information collected)
B) Help on where to  better stick  the GPS  + technical support and advice.
B1)Unit fully charged on pick up at store ready to track
C) We do sweep for gps so we know were to suggest to add the unit
D) Help to activate the  GPS TRACKER  unit on the store if needed ,and explain all the functions of the GPS  tracker before leave the store
E) Any question can be answered with a experienced retail store personnel
All that included at the retail store purchase advantage


SKU: gps tracker from near me


“You have the right to know, because what you do not know could hurt you “

you can 
low your gas bill down by   25% or more :)except to you 

What could not be more true

Pro NEW 2021 MA9276 / 4 G GPS real time SPY TRACKER .Anywhere in USA

It use google map+Free app contract ,no activation fee ( Fast activation   10 minutes )

This  NEW 4 G GPS TRACKER  (MA9276) from  will provide the answers you need !

New free program inserted  on  GPS menu menu  allow to locate on a range about 5 miles to locate anywhere in usa the cheap FUEL location  -SAVE MONEY on any pin locator  It will show the cheapest  GAS STATION offerring Fuel 

MADE IN US. Quality guaranteed(magnetic case included)

Small, lightweight, and powerful, Mini GPS Tracker from Spy Base  come with a magnetic case weatherproof , smaller enough to attach to any Car ,trucks ,SUV Motorcycle, Bicycle or any equipment etc (no need any wiring) This Mini GPS  tracker goes anywhere and can track just about anything. The long-lasting rechargeable battery can last  for up to 21 days with 1 hours of driving  average per day (the unit is motion activated)

If you drive  more them 1  hours (average per day),the battery will last accordingly, like any GPS brand on the market ,there is no exception only if you add (optional) extended battery ,it will last longer about 5 months

Default automatic motion sensor based on internal 3-axis accelerator meter ,providing faster and better motion detection

Historical play back up to 1 year also you can add up to 100 units on the same app (ideal for fleet tracking)

Preset  display viewing intervals  Services: Motion activated(default )

 Display (google map)

View live every 1 minute (default )is $ 21.95  basic plan

  • Month to Month, no activation fee, no contract!

  • Optional other plans on  live viewing  interval options

  • View live every 30 seconds interval $ 34,95 premium month to month  

View live every  10 0r 5 seconds  interval  ,available $ 44.95  or  $ 39,95 with 1 year contract

One year contract is available  for 1 minute intervals  contract  (lower price)only 16.95 per month  also free activation  

  • Optional on the functions
  • Geo-fence created by you ,will notify immediately by e mail ,in and out  movement  (up to 10 location can be selected)
  • Low battery notifications (default )
  •  2 to 3 weeks battery life (driving average 1 hour a day) Motion activated
  • Weather-resistant
  • The unit size is  1/2 in  ” x  1 in ”  x 3 in”
  • Web-Based Software Historical playback up to 1 year
  • Technical Support IN USA (MADE IN USA  )Quality guaranteed
  • Very easy  to activate(no charge)
  • By phone or link with Free download app for instant login and constant live viewing 
  • Advantages to purchase a GPS Tracker from Spybase at our retail store:
  • A) Discreet and safe buying (no information collected)
  • B) Help on where to better stick the unit and or magnetic case +technical support and advice
  • C) We do sweep for GPS  so we know, were to suggest to stick the unit
  • D) Help to activate the anytime At the store , online or by the phone
  • E)1 year contract available (better pricing)
  • 3G GPS  will soon be discontinued
  • The GPS Real time  tracker from 
  • SPY BASE 4G LTE 2021/2022
  • The 2G and 3G are being discontinued
  • go to this  link if want to activate upon receive the unit! or come to the store we do for you (5 minutes)
  • free activation online go after receive the unit :

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 2 in